"Japanese syllabic polyphonies, whole works performance" by Tomomi Adachi Royal Chorus
Japanese syllabic polyphonies were performed at the concert by Tomomi Adachi Royal Chorus.

Joint live concert by "Tomomi Adachi Royal Chorus" and "P-Bro."
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 1999. Open at 6:30 p.m. Start at 7:00 p.m.
Place: Kichijoji MANDA-LA2.

"Japanese syllabic inventions in two voices," "Japanese syllabic canons in two voices," and "Japanese syllabic canons in three voices" were performed. It was the first time for my whole music works to be performed altogether. (Homepage of Tomomi Adachi*: http://www.webnik.ne.jp/~atomo/)

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