PICAF Pusan International Contemporary Art Festival
... My works were exhibited at the international festival in South Korea.

Name of the exhibition: PICAF Pusan International Contemporary Art Festival / Its main exhibition: "International Contemporary Art Festival"
Period: November 1 - 30, 1998
Place: Pusan Metropolitan Art Museum
Commissioner of Japan section: Shigeo Chiba
Basic project: Artists of the 20th century and rising artists of the 21st century. (Plane works only.)
.....Artists of the 20th century: Kazuo Shiraga, Ushio Shinohara, Tadaaki Kuwayama
.....Rising artists of the next century: Hideki Nakazawa, Kazumi Nakamura, Kosai Hori, Yasumasa Morimura

From left to right:
"Letter-coordinates-type painting No. 2 of 29 letters by 29 lines"
"Letter-coordinates-type painting No. 1 of 29 letters by 29 lines"

From left to right:
"Letter-coordinates-type painting No. 2 of 29 letters by 29 lines"
"Letter-coordinates-type painting No. 1 of 29 letters by 29 lines"

Caption of the works

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    Copyright : (C)1997-1998 HIDEKI NAKAZAWA/ALOALO INTERNATIONAL. Reproduction forbidden
    E-mail : nakazawa@aloalo.co.jp