中ザワヒデキ展 1999年5月26日〜6月14日
ギャラリーNWハウス 東京都新宿区西早稲田1-3-7 TEL03-3204-0246

Hideki Nakazawa Exhibition 1999.5.26-6.14
Gallery NW House 1-3-7 Nishiwaseda Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, Japan TEL:(81)3-3204-0246
Event : Recitation of sound poetry in 2 languages by 2 speakers (6 p.m. of the opening day)

(出品作品 / 1F List of exhibits / GF)

Stone-arrangement painting on the board of 35 points by 35 rows, No. 1
...acrylic go board, go stones / 770x770x365mm / 1999

Stone-arrangement painting on the board of 35 points by 35 rows, No. 2
...acrylic go board, go stones / 770x770x365mm / 1999

Stone-arrangement painting on the board of 35 points by 35 rows, No. 3 ...acrylic go board, go stones / 770x770x365mm / 1999

Letter-coordinates-type painting of 23 letters by 39 lines, No. 3
...CG, cutting sheet, light box / 970x1620x300mm / 1999

Region within a closed curved line with 7420 inflection points
...CG, cutting sheet, revolving light panel / 450x450x220mm / 1999

"Vertical line of 210 hanguls each accompanied by an ending sound" and "Vertical line of 210 katakanas each accompanied by an ending sound"
...CG on paper / 13x2690mm, each / 1999

(参考作品 / 5F List of references / 5F)

Monophony with 768 musical tones each accompanied by a grace note
...CG on paper / 4070x120mm / 1998

Device for indicating coordinate spaces & Three-dimensional gobang
...computer, power source, light bulbs, wiring, etc.

Stone-arrangement painting on the board of 35 points by 35 rows, No. 1 (print)
...CG on paper / 352x352mm / 1999

Stone-arrangement painting on the board of 35 points by 35 rows, No. 2 (print)
...CG on paper / 352x352mm / 1999

Stone-arrangement painting on the board of 35 points by 35 rows, No. 3 (print)
...CG on paper / 352x352mm / 1999

中ザワヒデキ全音楽作品集(ライブビデオ 1999.5.22収録)
All works of music by Hideki Nakazawa (live video taken on 22th May, 1999)
...演奏:足立智美ロイヤル合唱団、宮木朝子(ピアノ) performed by Tomomi Adachi Royal Chorus, Asako Miyaki (piano)

(朗読作品 / 初日 Recitation / opening day)

Synchronized poetry for reciting of hanguls each accompanied by an ending sound and of katakanas each accompanied by an ending sound
...朗読(初演):申明銀、中村政人 first recital by Myeongeun Shin, Masato Nakamura / written by Hideki Nakazawa in 1999

写真:黒川未来夫 Photo by Mikio Kurokawa(except for where noted)
